About This Blog

There are (unfortunately) some things we need to declare before we start off on the wrong foot. I don't like bloggers. I don't like blogs. Didn't like them 10 years ago when they were new, don't like them now when they are the GeoCities of social media. I really don't like vlogs, podcasts, feeds, but I realize it is somewhat inevitable. So the next thing to declare is that this is not about homeschooling. Homeschooling is where someone has some availability of public or private schools, and out of need or preference, chooses to become a home based educator. I do not pretend to be a carpenter, mechanic, or doctor, and I'm not going to pretend to be a teacher. So when the availability is there, our kids go to school. Current events have dictated that this must be delayed, and this is how we are avoiding the atrophy of a six month (or more) summer break. You can probably guess that anything organic, GMO-free, chemical-free, or gluten-free is not interesting to us either. Unless you suffer from Celiac's, these are wasteful hipster trends. This blog is here solely to track what we did during our quarantine time to keep our minds in the habit of learning.
